A Joyful Army of Six

We are Brian and Cara Bergeron. We currently live, homeschool, work, and play soccer in beautiful Southcentral Oregon. We are children of God, children of two marvelous sets of parents who are still happily married, children of the '80s, children who fell in love when we were but children, children who have inherited four unexpected and undeserved blessings from the Lord--Brandt, Gresham, Seth, and Evangeline. Together we are (as Eva will tell you with a shout) "in the Lord's army. Lethirrrr!"

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Framing Complete

Here is the latest picture of the house. The framing and insulation inspections were done last week and everything checked out okay. This week the drywallers started hanging "rock" (Brian says I have to use the proper terminology) and they are scheduled to finish by the end of the month. Travis's brother Blaine is also working on our grading in the yard and so we will place boulders on Friday and Saturday. By the end of next week, we hope that there will no longer be a trace of an ICF showing either on the exterior or interior. All of our lighting has arrived as has the whole house vac and a good portion of our tile. I finished the drawings of the boys' built-in beds and their window seat last night. Closets are next on the list of things to draw.

We are still thrilled with Travis, our contractor, although we fear that he is getting discouraged as he worries that he underbid the job. I have a lot of empathy for artisans and craftsmen who can't say no to a thrilling job, despite the fact that it makes little to no business sense. Brian would never do such a thing but I come from a long line of such people. I wish that we could pay him much more as he has built a solid house for us and treated us honestly throughout the process. I don't believe that there is a day that goes by that we do not wonder and thank God for His provision of Travis.


Blogger emily said...

SUCH a beautiful house already!! but i would expect nothing less from you, cara! :) i can't wait to see pictures of the finished product.

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"placing the boulders" - hmmmm, I wonder what our yard here in the South would look like with boulders! ha!

I've wanted to comment on your "pragmatism" post for a few days now but haven't found a good block of time to write my thoughts... maybe I will soon. For now, I say, "thank you" so much!

Is the house going to be wood exterior, brick, combo? Just wondering - or maybe you'd rather keep us all in suspense! I'm so excited for you guys. It's going to be beautiful and something you will enjoy so much until going to the home Jesus has prepared - working on now for us - so neat to think about!!!

9:29 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Cara, it looks great! I can't wait to come up and visit and see in person some day!

2:08 PM  

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