A Joyful Army of Six

We are Brian and Cara Bergeron. We currently live, homeschool, work, and play soccer in beautiful Southcentral Oregon. We are children of God, children of two marvelous sets of parents who are still happily married, children of the '80s, children who fell in love when we were but children, children who have inherited four unexpected and undeserved blessings from the Lord--Brandt, Gresham, Seth, and Evangeline. Together we are (as Eva will tell you with a shout) "in the Lord's army. Lethirrrr!"

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Triolet on Ezra

Since I just finished blogging about the two older boys, I thought I'd include a sample of some of the poetry they've written during this past school year. A triolet is an 8 line poem with the rhyme scheme abaaabab. Line 1 is repeated as lines 4 and 7 and line 2 is repeated as line 8. This was a really fun one and, with the exception of my helping them to find rhyming words and steering them a bit, this is all Brandt and Gresham's work.

Triolet on Ezra 9-10
In astonishment I've torn my beard;
God's Israel has pagan wives!
They're free but from the truth they've veered;
In astonishment I've torn my beard.
Our children are not properly reared;
The time is now to live new lives!
In astonishment I've torn my beard;
God's Israel has pagan wives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Cara! Thanks for the yummy recipes... I love tandoori chicken. It's my birthday this weekend, and that is the dish that will be on my plate, God willing :) I agree wholeheartedly about the spices!

I have enjoyed so much reading your thoughts re: Gresham and Brandt! I was actually going to do that soon on my blog because I'm seeing their personalities thrive more with each day. What a blessing they are! I smile when reading about Gresham - uhhem, he is slightly like me as a child!!! I think the main difference is that the constant rush for activity looks different for a female than a male sometimes. As a young child I was always outside, always "inventing" some kind of environment to animate the story inside my head -- playing with the boys from down the street waaay before you could find me playing with dolls :) And everyone followed me because I seemed to know exactly what we should be doing next :) I have always thought of how to make everything "better," and what exciting thing I could do next - sometimes even before I finish the current activity!!! Errr, this has lingered (or perhaps gotten worse!) with age! Oh, my poor husband! ha

It's so much fun to watch the diversity flourish, isn't it?!!! I wish I could see them all and chat and give hugs. Love you!

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I never did the book meme. Here's mine:

"What is her greatest interest, her greatest talent? What is the thing that needs encouraging and enhancing in her personality? What work does she do well, even reasonably well?"

from Edith Schaeffer's "Common Sense Christian Living" (ironically, that particular chapter is about loving your children and studying the differences in their personalities!)

11:23 AM  

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