Buncha Reasons to Fall for Southern Oregon
To all of my friends who've ever contemplated a move to Southern Oregon (some of you don't even know who you are. . . yet!!!) I'll just say I had to tear myself away from the cozy fire that Brian made for us tonight in order to get these posted...
Wild blackberries are one of the blessings of living in Oregon. The brambles grow everywhere water is available--if you look closely enough. We picked these at a friend's workplace. It was about 45 minutes of picking for all of us--except Eva. She picked alright but there wasn't a berry left in her bucket when she brought it back to us. Kerplink! Kerplank! Kerplunk! for all of Robert McCloskey's fans.
This is a large Cutthroat (sea run) Trout (I won't try to estimate size because I'll just over or underestimate) that Brandt caught in the Williamson River, about 50 minutes north of Klamath Falls. It was a great afternoon of fishing. Below is Brandt with his fish and below that is Seth with HIS first fish ever--a gorgeous Rainbow!
Ministry opportunities for largely unchurched Oregonians abound, as attested by the photo below of the Puppets in the Park ministry that Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Grants Pass does several times each summer. Love that church! Eva's current favorite color is acid orange, thanks to a plethora of bright orange puppets singing praises to the Lord one bright Sunday afternoon in August. Uh, Dad, I think they may be looking for backup singers, come time for your retirement!
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