A Joyful Army of Six

We are Brian and Cara Bergeron. We currently live, homeschool, work, and play soccer in beautiful Southcentral Oregon. We are children of God, children of two marvelous sets of parents who are still happily married, children of the '80s, children who fell in love when we were but children, children who have inherited four unexpected and undeserved blessings from the Lord--Brandt, Gresham, Seth, and Evangeline. Together we are (as Eva will tell you with a shout) "in the Lord's army. Lethirrrr!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New on our iPod in 2007

"The Shadow of Your Wings: Hymns and Sacred Songs" - Fernando Ortega
"The Hidden Face of God" - Michael Card
"Messiah, Oratorio" - London Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir & Walter Susskind
"Classical Conversations Cycle 2 Audio CD" - Don't laugh. There are some rockin' tunes on this one!
"Early American Christmas" - Miller-Rowe Consortium
"Coventry Carols" - The St. Michael's Singers
"Joy for Every Age" - Arcangeli Chamber Chorus and Orchestra
"Dancing Day" - Atlanta Boy Choir
"Psalms of Scotland" - The Scottish Philharmonic Singers
"Ben Hur" - Focus on the Family Radio Theatre
"The Hiding Place" - Focus on the Family Radio Theatre
"Waves of Grace: The Story of John Newton" - Focus on the Family Radio Theatre
"Good Advice" - Jamie Soles
"The Way My Story Goes" - Jamie Soles
"Fun and Prophets" - Jamie Soles
"Help My Unbelief" - Red Mountain Church
"Fun French for Kids" - Beth Manners
"Lingua Angelica: Christian Latin Music and Prayers" - Memoria Press


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